David Burdeny is known for his breathtaking images of architecture and landscapes taken across the globe. However, due to the travel restrictions of the pandemic, the photographer aimed his lens at his Canadian home turf. This newest series focuses on the Canadian Prairies where Burdeny spent much of his younger years. For this reason, Tomorrow’s Harvest is close to the artist’s heart and evokes a sense of nostalgia.
When photographing architecture, Burdeny chooses memorable buildings with distinct character. The mural on the side of this building creates the perfect window of color in this winter wonderland.
With each snowy image, Burdeny captures a quiet, poetic beauty. He found inspiration for this image in poetry by Robert Kroetsch:
No trees
around the house.
Only the wind.
Only the January snow.
Only the summer sun.
The home place:
a terrible symmetry.
“Seed Catalogue” (1977)
David Burdeny: View More Work | In the Artist’s Studio | On the Wall