Category: Art + Design

Designer Spotlight: Dan Proctor

Dan Proctor, founder and President of Kirk Designs, Inc., answers some of our questions about his style, inspiration, and the role of fine art as it ties into interior design. Dan Proctor and his team have worked together with our galleries for years, helping clients discover pieces of art that move them and then incorporating those unique paintings, sculptures and masterworks into stunning interiors. The collaborative results are truly a work of art.

Gallery: What inspires you as a designer?

DP: What inspires me as a designer is watching the way people live and using that as a catalyst for how I best address their design needs or concerns. It helps me understand them better and it helps me come to a solution that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Interior Design by Dan Proctor, Art provided by Merritt Gallery & Renaissance Fine Arts
Interior Design by Dan Proctor, Art by Merritt Gallery & Renaissance Fine Arts

Gallery: How has your design style evolved through the years?

DP: I think what used to take many strokes now only takes two. It is part of the aging process; what used to take a lot of effort to do something now can be done simpler and I can take more pleasurable and quieter moments to focus and reflect.

Gallery: How do you incorporate art into your design?

DP: I believe art is an abstract way of peeking into the clients’ soul. It should be incorporated in ways that are featured but intimate at the same time. Art is a way of creating a real personality into a space.

Interior Design by Dan Proctor, Art provided by Merritt Gallery & Renaissance Fine Arts
Interior Design by Dan Proctor, Art by Merritt Gallery & Renaissance Fine Arts

Click here to experience more of Dan Proctor’s beautiful designs.