August brought two adorable additions to our gallery family. Sarah, our Baltimore Administrative Assistant, welcomed a baby girl, and Marcie, Art Consultant in Haverford, welcomed a baby boy. We’re excited to introduce our new honorary team members!

Favorite Outfit: Anything mommy can take off and on quickly!
Favorite Sleeping Spot: Smooshed between boppy pillow and Mommy’s body.
Cutest Moments: Milk drunk giggles!
Future Career: Whatever makes him happy!

Favorite Outfit: Currently it’s her new Ravens onesies!
Favorite Sleeping Spot: Probably Mommy’s chest. But usually she sleeps swaddled in her bassinet.
Cutest Moments: She’s started smiling and cooing this past week, and it’s insanely cute. As for funniest, she’s a very loud pooper, and one time she pooped while one of our friends was holding her for the first time, and she scared our friend! The look on our friend’s face was hilarious.
Future Career: Hair model.