Category: New Acquisitions

Gates: Fresh Honey and Tea in Her Garden

Irene Gates, Fresh Honey and Tea in Her Garden, Mixed Media on Canvas, 48 × 36 inches
Irene Gates, Fresh Honey and Tea in Her Garden, Mixed Media on Canvas, 48 × 36 inches


Intricate, illustrative, and whimsical, Folk artist Irene Gates’ mixed media painting explores the textural depth of materiality. Gates employs a wide range of media to create a story that is lush with both two-dimensional and three-dimensional details and surprises. Using various layers—from the newsprint text in the background to the rose lace in the foreground—Gates tells a charming story of wilderness, imagination, and friendship.


Gates uses various techniques, including collage and washes, to achieve her layered compositions
Gates uses various techniques, including collage and washes, to achieve her layered compositions

To view other works by Irene Gates, visit the gallery nearest you…