In this new arrival by sculptor jd Hansen, an elegant bronze horse is shown walking out from underneath an intricate copper blanket. To Hansen, the blanket symbolizes being wrapped in thoughts which can be both oppressive and comforting. “Sunrise” refers to a new day, a new beginning, free of those thoughts.
The words are written by the artist herself in German, a language whose precision she finds fascinating. Using a language other than English allows the viewer to see the words as a textured handwritten blanket, rather than focus on individual familiar words.
English Translation
The sun rises slowly,
warming this blanket of comfort,
this blanket of burden.
I am comforted by the familiar echos;
I am haunted by their cadence and stance.
Thoughts upon thoughts,
the architecture of the soul,
their tentacles like tree branches,
reaching every crevasse.
I hold tight to one and walk toward the sun,
everything unraveling behind.
Leave these memories to the soil and the earth,
to decompose and reemerge as light and love.Original German
Die Sonne geht langsam auf,
wärmt diese tröstende Decke,
diese Decke, die auf mir lastet,
beruhigend der vertraute Wiederhall,
heimsuchend der rhythmische Widerstand.
Gedanken über Gedanken
Architektur der Seele
Ihre Fühuler wie Zweige
Reichen in jede Kluft
Ich halte mich fest
und gehe auf die Sonne zu,
hinter mir löst sich alles auf.
Lass die Erinnerungen in den Boden,
In die Erde, um zu verwesen
Und aufzuerstehen als Licht und Liebe.
Valley of the Sunrise can be displayed indoors or outdoors. The piece is also available in a monumental six foot tall edition. Contact the gallery for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Learn more about the inspiration behind Hansen’s work.