Category: New Acquisitions

Marshall Noice: Small Hill, Stillwater

Marshall Noice, Small Hill, Stillwater, Oil on Canvas, 36 × 36 in.


I’ve been moving out of my comfort zone recently. Instead of reaching for the Perylene Red or Dioxazine Purple I’ve been going for Payne’s Grey, Portland Cool Grey, and a tube of ancient Daniel Smith oil called Moonglow. Who names these colors anyway?
I’m not forsaking big, high noon colors entirely, as you can see, but the twilight shades of grey are finding a comfortable spot on my canvases. I like it!

Marshall Noice, The Crepuscular Painter!


Just arrived at the gallery, Small Hill, Stillwater is stunning example of Noice’s newfound interest in the “twilight shades of grey.” Mixing muted tones with pops of brilliant yellow, Noice creates an intriguing, dreamlike landscape.

Contact the gallery nearest you to see Marshall Noice’s work in person.