Category: Inside The Gallery

In Bloom

Renaissance Fine Arts in Baltimore

“If someone has been made a bit happier, or been inspired to create a garden, then our purpose has been fulfilled”
-John Sherwood in National Geographic Magazine, May, 1956

As evidence of Spring arrives after a long winter, the exquisite Sherwood Gardens in Guilford are blossoming! Renaissance Fine Arts is proud to have sponsored a tulip bed to help ensure the continuation of this time honored Spring tradition. The tulips are in full bloom now, so make sure that you stop by to take in their full splendor!

During the 1800s the property on which the Sherwood Gardens is located was part of the Guilford estate of A. S. Abell, founder of The Baltimore Sun.

Sherwood Gardens was created in the 1920’s by John W. Sherwood, local petroleum pioneer and conservationist. Begun as a hobby, and planted by Mr. Sherwood with tulips that he imported from the Netherlands, the gardens have become known as the most famous tulip garden in North America. They cover Stratford Green, one of the original parks laid out by the Olmsted Brothers for the enjoyment of the residents of Guilford, and several adjacent building lots purchased by Mr. Sherwood. His own house adjoined the gardens at 204 East Highfield Road.

When Mr. Sherwood died in 1965, he bequeathed sufficient funds to continue the gardens for one year. After that period, the Guilford Association purchased the additional lots from the Sherwood estate and took responsibility for its care.

Thousands of people visit and enjoy the gardens as nearly 75,000 tulips bloom every spring.