In Ariel Vargassal’s newest works, the artist focuses on making peace with one’s inner self and facing life’s challenges with joy and wonder. The Magical Realism of his work comes through with a stunning juxtaposition of whimsy and breathtaking attention to detail. Read on to learn more about the artist’s enchanting narrative for each piece.

Sugar Heist
“Joy and happiness in life are often there for us to take. They are a choice, and when we realize it, the opportunity to take the sweetness of life will make us run and not look back. A playful painting to remind us to take the good and keep on going. It will take us far.”

The Path is Made by Walking
“Life could be easy for some. ‘The ride would be smooth if there is the right horse.’ Others are forced to walk their way. But for those who have the horse and still choose to walk on their own terms, the rewards of creating your path and collecting the experiences on the way are humbling and satisfying. Walk at your own pace; enjoy the time creating the path of your journey with your own feet.”

“Sometimes we get or feel trapped by the webs of our own doubts or troubles. The same mischievous inner self (the spider monkey) that gets us in this position will help us to get us out of being tangled. Face and make a friend of your inner self, and together resolve the puzzles to free yourself.”