Recently we were delighted to be joined by Maura Segal via video chat to discuss her work, process, and journey. Maura guided us through her studio space in Santa Monica, California, introducing us to everything from her early work down to her favorite pair of scissors. She discussed her roots in graphic design and home decor which lead her to become the artist she is today. Regardless of the art form, she has always been attracted to color and the relationship between positive and negative space.
Segal spoke about how her process developed. Her older work was much more collaged and contained multiple colors per piece. She felt that the work was a little too busy, so one day she painted over one of the canvases with white to reuse it. She applied her love for color blocking to the newly white canvas, and voila! Her signature style was born.
Maura holds a true passion for what she does. She expressed how lucky she feels to be able to spend seven days a week working on her craft and often wakes up at 4:30am out of excitement! She admitted she needs to set timers so she can keep track of how long she’s been in her studio; the day can easily get away from her.
We loved getting a peak into Maura Segal’s world. Learning about the face behind the canvas is nothing short of fascinating.
Maura Segal: View More Work | In the Studio | On the Wall