Photographer Xan Padron is known for his intriguing portrayals of city streets, particularly those in his Time Lapse series. Padron’s photographs offer uniquely intimate views of cities all over the world. As a viewer, one can explore streets familiar to them or discover new locations for their travel bucketlist.
While there is great variety in the cities and countries depicted in Padron’s work, he is passionate about capturing his adopted hometown, New York City. Many of New York’s vibrant neighborhoods have been featured in his photographs, highlighting the immense diversity in architecture, style, and human activities across the city.
Many of his photos show the beauty of American cities, but Padron also spends time traveling to capture the essence of cities abroad. The Time Lapse series is intercontinental, spanning across Australia, Europe, North America, and South America. Through his photographs, the inhabitants create a portrait of each city, transporting us there.
In the mood to travel from the comfort of your own home? Browse more of our collection of Padron photographs here.