These recent arrivals focus on something that many of us have gained a new appreciation for over the past couple years—social life. Explore three totally different looks at gathering, social interaction, and public spaces.
Czekus | Public Place
Sherry Czekus’s work conveys the feeling of being part of a crowd—walking, socializing, and moving together through a busy city. The color blocked figures have enough anonymity that you can picture yourself immersed in the scene and feel the energy of the crowd.
Alan | Populus: Chrome No. 5
Zoom in on Craig Alan’s Chanel No. 5 bottle to find yourself in an imaginary city filled with vibrant social interactions. We guarantee you’ll see a new detail each time you look.
Padron | Horatio Street, NYC
The figures in this Padron photomontage were captured at different moments throughout the day. However, you get a sense of togetherness and community through the shared experience of walking past this specific spot. The individual people form a portrait of the neighborhood itself.