Category: Room With A View

Dining with Textures & Patterns

This neutral, textured dining room is screaming for a pop of color or something unexpected. Here are a few great options from the collection…




Maura Segal | Sea Turtle

Maura Segal, Sea Turtle, Mixed Media on Canvas, 48 x 48 inches


The bold color in Segal’s Sea Turtle captures the viewer and begs them to come closer, to trace the line of the paper in its bulbous forms on the surface and discover more. The subtle texture of Maura’s paper cutouts, which serve as the first layer of her works, beautifully complement this rich textural space. And the vibrant blue hue adds something unexpected and bright.  

Maura Segal: View More Work | Inside the Studio | On the Wall


Xan Padron | East Village, NYC

Xan Padron, East Village, NYC, Photograph on Paper, 47 x 60 inches


The burgundy wall of New York’s East Village is a wonderful hue in this earthy, textured space. Not only is this piece a rich complement to this space, Xan Padron’s works serve as a conversation piece. His photography captures a moment in time like no other.  Each of his subjects have stories of their own, and it’s up to you to discover them! 

Xan Padron: View More Work | Inside the Studio | On the Wall


Alexander Sheversky | The Jawbreaker 2

Alexander Sheversky, The Jawbreaker 2, Oil on Canvas, 40 x 48 inches


Sheversky’s modern subject in a classical composition as demonstrated in The Jawbreaker 2 is a playful fit for this space. Sheversky’s dramatic color palette works well with the contrast, textures, and finish in this design.  

Alexander Sheversky: View More WorkOn the Wall